Early Child Development - II

05:23:00 blogger.valens@gmail.com 0 Comments

Early child period is the most important and critical phase of development in the entire lifespan of humans. This is why it is important to make early child development healthy as it influences the mental health, well being, diseases, conduct and behavior of children in future.

The developmental process of learning and acquiring is gradual but demands a quick reflex from the surrounding and a huge exposure to the world. This is the reason why parents need to enroll their kids to playgroups, kindergartens and schools! Let us see how these schools and centres contribute and what efforts they take in the physical, social, emotional and cognitive development of children.

Daycare Centres:
A good quality child day care will have a strong and positive influence on children’s development and school readiness. It provides valuable educational and social experiences that stand helpful for the development of kids. A High quality child care is characterized as:
  • Having well-qualified, well-paid, stable staff
  • Low child-adult ratios
  • Efficient management

As there has been an increase in the number of mothers opting for career oriented life, most children attend a childcare facility on a regular basis. Hence, it has become important that children have an access to a good early education system so that their growth and their future is never in jeopardy.

Preschool programs give the children early childhood education and care. They help them to  develop a range of skills that make them ready to learn when they start school, such as:
  1. Social skills
  2. Language skills
  3. Executive function skills (Behavior, problem-solving and being Creative)
  4. Emotional self-regulation skills (Controlling impulses and shifting attention)
  5. Self-regulation in learning skills (Being persistent and concentrated)

What happens to the child in the early years is critical for the child’s developmental course as well as life  course. Hence, it is necessary to pay an attention to their growth & development and to the school they go to.

PICT Model School offers a program that covers all the important aspects of early child development such as;
  • Physical development
  • Motor development
  • Emotional development
  • Social development
  • Language development
  • Cognitive development

And also makes sure the children grow, develop and learn extremely well so that there is no flaw or a loophole in the process.


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