Learning Theories - II
In the previous BLOG we saw what the learning theories are, why to use them and how they are useful in the entire journey of the learner as well as the educator.
Here, we’ll talk about Cognitive Learning Theory which implies that the processes that are concerned with learning can be explained by studying the mental processes first. Theories have been used to explain mental processes as they are influenced by many factors which bring about learning in an individual.
A. Social Cognitive Theory: Social Cognitive Theory includes several basic concepts that can manifest not only in adults but also in infants, children and adolescents.
- Observational Learning: Learning from other people by means of observing them is an effective way of gaining knowledge and altering behavior.
- Reproduction: The process where the learner is motivated by the environment through repeating the behavior effectively in order to retain the new knowledge and practices.
- Self-efficacy: The course wherein the learner improves his newly learned knowledge or behavior by putting it into practice.
- Emotional coping: Good coping mechanisms against stressful environment and negative personal characteristics can lead to effective learning, especially in adults.
- Self-regulatory capability: Ability to control behavior even within an unfavorable environment.
In the Social Cognitive Theory, generally 3 variables are considered at large:
- Behavioral factors
- Environmental factors (extrinsic)
- Personal factors (intrinsic)
These 3 variables are said to be interrelated that cause learning to occur in an individual. Behavior of an individual, environmental factors such as day to day surroundings, behavior of parents, atmosphere and even climate, play an important role in the growth and development.
B. Cognitive Behavioral Theory: The Cognitive Behavioral Theory says that individuals tend to form “self-concepts” which largely affect the behavior they display. These concepts can be positive or negative and may get affected by the environment.
Cognitive Behavioral Theory further explains human behavior and learning using the cognitive triad or 3 parts. This includes negative thoughts about:
- The person himself
- The world/environment
- The future
Situated learning claims that learning is strongly associated with the context and the activity in which it occurs. In order to learn a concept in a better way, it must be learned in the environment in which is has been developed.