Decoding Bloom’s Taxonomy
Decoding Bloom’s Taxonomy:
Bloom's Taxonomy was created in 1956 under the leadership of educational psychologist Dr Benjamin Bloom.
Bloom’s taxonomy helps educators to plan & set teaching and assessing objectives in line with the level of skills acquisition planned for the learners.
This taxonomy was revised in 2001.
Bloom’s Taxonomy is scoped to function across 3 following domains
- Cognitive(Knowledge Based)
- Affective(Emotive Based)
- Sensory(Action Based)
Scope of this article is limited to perspectives of Cognitive domain, which has been the primary focus of most traditional education and is frequently used to structure curriculum learning objectives, assessments and activities. used to structure curriculum learning objectives, assessments and activities.
Please refer to any level, 3rd level onwards & try to answer the following question.
Is it possible to apply or analyse or evaluate or create something, if one cannot remember/identify or understand what it is?
KEYBOARD example; to know how it works…
Assume yourself to be a “Computer studies” teacher and you are asked to plan for teaching schedule/calendar plan for 4th standard. This is when the students are going to learn the subject for the first time in their school. Now let’s look at planning of ‘Keyboard chapter’.
Following is the common sensical sequence you would like to adopt:
1st level: Show them the actual hardware i.e. Keyboard so that they can remember its name and identify it later too
2nd level: Explain them what is has(various key & how they work), so that they can understand and describe it
3rd level: Show them how it has to be used (applying) to write a short story
Now if the similar planning has to be done for class 7th or 8th, teachers/planners will plan now keeping in mind next 3 levels which are high order thinking skills.
This above steps took us into setting teaching objectives/plan.
Very same approach can be adopted to plan or design tests.
At PICT we take considerable care to ensure that Bloom’s Taxonomy is tightly integrated into our education programs and curriculum. We regularly review the Bloom’s taxonomy’s suitability to ever evolving education dynamics.
Following are couple of examples of activities that were designed and executed specifically, keeping in mind the cognitive skills in Bloom’s Taxonomy.
Students were given a situation where they were made to prepare words written & cut out of paper to match with opposite word. So the assessment of whether they can remember, understand and apply can be made easily.
2. Strokes and Shapes :
This involved engaging them in various situational drawing and painting. For example; cloud and rain. So they can remember the shapes of cloud and rain. They can also draw them pictorially and apply the outpour of rain down to living & non-living things on ground.